Ullamcorper erat

Ullamcorper erat

Vivamus vitae laoreet erat, eget egestas est. Donec at auctor arcu, at suscipit orci. Quisque vel risus odio. In porttitor, neque et cursus interdum, lacus felis scelerisque risus, id euismod sapien lorem et tortor. Curabitur augue sem, lobortis vitae sapien sit amet, tempus posuere sapien. Aenean ut felis a orci volutpat maximus quis lobortis sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed felis tortor, tempor ut mattis a, commodo at diam. Nullam nunc lorem, ornare id magna vitae, lobortis lacinia magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris in aliquet sem, sit amet placerat erat. Maecenas non tellus rutrum, eleifend diam eget, eleifend massa. Donec luctus sapien justo, eget tincidunt tellus molestie ut. Mauris in pharetra eros, eu hendrerit tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Grohe history

GROHE has a rich tradition of creating market-leading products. GROHE has expanded its core competencies by acquiring the skills and experience of innovative enterprises. Each new acquisition has made a new know-how incorporated in the portfolio. The best example is Carl Nestler: founded in 1873, the company had already earned a reputation as a faucet-maker in the early years and developed the new thermostat technology with advanced optimizations Read more...

Совместный или раздельный санузел? Взвешиваем «за» и «против»

Многие жильцы недовольны размером собственной ванной: кто-то хочет объединить санузел, кто-то разделить. Прежде чем переходить кардинальным мерам и делать перепланировку, стоит задуматься, насколько это целесообразно. Давайте разберемся, когда лучше раздельный или совместный санузел. Read more...


Growth in 2017 and an ever larger Cersaie: Palazzo Re Enzo hosts the international press conference and presentation of the Journalism and Distributor Awards One of the most important events to be held on the first day of the thirty-sixth edition of Cersaie was the international press conference, hosted in Palazzo Re Enzo in the centre of Bologna with the participation of almost 200 journalists from all over the world. During the event, Confin Read more...

Покупаем душевую кабину

Создать дома настоящий спа-салон, значительно сэкономив место — установить в ванной душевую кабину, основное достоинство которой — экономичный расход воды. Кого-то привлекают излишне сложные, многофункциональные модели, кого-то раздвижные, с несколькими створками. А кто-то довольствуется самой простой и не менее долговечной. Главное —купить душевую кабину у проверенного, с хорошими рекомендациями, продавца. Read more...

Five Easy Ways to Clean & Maintain Sanitarywares

New sanitary wares always look enticing, but it requires efforts to keep its new and attractive appearance long lasting. It is important to maintain good ambience of your bathroom, because it is place where you can spend some personal ‘me’ time and relax yourself. But, one often finds cleaning sanitary ware as a daunting task. This article might change your attitude towards it, as it provides 5 easy & quick ways to clean and maintain your cera Read more...


Immerse yourself in a new dimension of showering – that is what GROHE SmartControl stands for. From now on, the experience of “Push, Turn, Shower” will be even more multifaceted: The smart technology becomes part of another successful GROHE design line – GROHE Euphoria SmartControl. The new surface-mounted installation provides a significantly slim form of the SmartControl control unit as well as convenient temperature regulation thanks to the GR Read more...
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