How to Choose the Right Type of Bathroom Sink

Oh, the bathroom sink. One of the major players in anyone’s bathroom. Along with the toilet and bathtub, it’s one of the three main fixtures. Part of the trinity, you might say. But despite how important it is, choosing one can often be overwhelming. Plenty of options lay out before you in a smorgasbord of finishes, materials, and installation types. Each one of these topics warrants its own blog post. Here, I want to start by talking about on Read more...


От зеркала невозможно что-то утаить: ни лицо сразу после пробуждения, ни секреты Вашего макияжа, ни тот великолепный взгляд, когда Вы готовы к выходу… Оно все про Вас знает. Необходимо тщательно подойти к выбору зеркала для ванной комнаты, которое будет соответствовать уровню возложенной на него миссии! Благодаря размеру, освещению и дополнительным опциям, зеркало станет Вашим союзником и поможет создать ошеломительный образ. И, если пожелаете Read more...

Buyers Guide: Bathroom Accessories

Bathroom accessories are important for your bathroom both in terms of making a style statement and for their practicality. It’s often the additional extras in a space that truly enable a room to function correctly. Plus they give attention to detail in the overall design. There is such a vast range of modern bathroom accessories now available that you can truly tailor your bathroom to your own needs and stylistic choices. From handy toilet access Read more...

Types of bathtubs and how to choose the right one!

Bathtubs are what can make a bathroom look luxurious. They are like a stunning centrepiece in a living room - it beautifies the area around. Bathtubs are meant to enhance your bathing experience and cushion you with a sense of luxury and opulence. There are several types of bathtubs available in the market and choosing the right one is important else it might kill your fantasies of a soothing bath. If you are planning to install a bathtub in your Read more...

5 Reasons a Bidet is a Better Choice for Your Bathroom Needs

Bidets are widely used across most countries around the world, but they are not commonly available in homes across the USA in spite of the advantages and benefits that a bidet offers over a toilet. Going to the bathroom is a subject that many consider taboo, and few discuss their bathroom habits or consider other options because of the sensitivity of this subject. At first you may find the idea of a bidet funny, anyone who has never used one does Read more...


You use it to get clean, refresh, relax or get invigorated, but how much do you really know about your shower? Did you know that the average shower lasts eight minutes in America, or that the shower is the third largest source of water use in the average American home? With conserving water and saving money and time becoming increasingly important to many people, here are the five most important things you should know about your shower from GROHE Read more...
Showing 42 to 48 of 58 (8 Pages)