Where people are working productively and the gears are always turning, nothing is as important as ample water for employees. Ice cold or as a hot beverage – it’s invigorating and provides a sense of well-being. But timely ordering, distribution and storage of water by the case requires complex coordination and logistics, especially in large companies.
The solution: GROHE Blue and GROHE Red. Intelligent drinking water systems in staff kitchens and on conference floors provide chilled water, still or carbonated, as well as boiling water for tea, coffee or broth. That saves time and costs, is sustainable and offers all users maximum convenience.
GROHE Red and GROHE Blue in the professional workplace –that’s what our customers say.
The innovative GROHE Red and GROHE Blue water systems can be found more and more often in offices too, providing life’s most important staple – at the perfect temperature, delicious and wholesome. A short film with examples and testimonials from well-known customers shows the advantages our systems have in everyday professional life.
According to Hendrik Grempe, Head of Property Management at Vodafone, the quality, design and sustainability of the 85 water systems in Vodafone’s staff kitchens speak for themselves. For Norbert Völl, Press Spokesman for The Green Dot, the deciding factor is that GROHE Red provides boiling hot tea water for meetings especially quickly.
For reasons of fire safety and energy efficiency, reducing the number of electric kettles is very important to Oliver Zimmermann, Technical Director of the Miele Forum. Olaf Diekmann, Chairman of the Works Council of Gerry Weber International AG, notes that GROHE Blue makes things significantly easier for employees and provides a great deal of enjoyment.
Great-tasting GROHE Blue costs just one fifth of the price of premium waters. You reduce your energy consumption and avoid huge quantities of plastic waste! Take advantage of the enormous benefits of our professional water systems for planning your kitchen!